If is provided, SpeedDial's currently active group will be changed. Prints the name of the currently active group if is not provided. Whenever the list command is executed, directly by you or internally by SpeedDial, the entries are ordered by the following criteria Sd list work -raw # lists the raw SpeedDial JSON storage for the 'work' group Sd list listings # lists the 'listings' entries Sd list work # lists the entries for the 'work' group Sd list default # lists the entries for the default group sd list # lists all entries and listings by group raw can be passed to to print a prettyjson dump of the raw SpeedDial JSON storage in it's entirety. Lists the SpeeDial entries for all groups and listings if no is specified. Prints the currently installed version of SpeedDial. path/to/system/node_modules/speed-dial/assets/functions sd version A line like the following one is appended to the file you specify when prompted. Should only be run once, immediately after installing the SpeedDial node package. Like git, the SpeedDial command delegates to subcommands based on its first argument. If anyone would like to suggest a better (and multi-user-friendly) alternative, please create an issue or send a pull request. When calling SpeedDial through the available shell functions, the target directory is read from the /tmp file and the appropriate cd command is executed directly within the terminal's process.

SpeedDial works around this limitation by writing the target directory to a file in /tmp just before it's process exits. Once SpeedDial finishes execution, returning focus back to the main terminal's process, the current working directory will remain as it was prior to executing the SpeedDial command. Changing the current working directory from within SpeedDial only changes the directory of the child process SpeedDial is running within and only for the duration of the script's execution.

There is an inherent issue trying to change the terminal's current working directory from within a child process. SpeedDial should not be run directly using the node package's bin/speed-dial binary. Technically you can interact with SpeedDial without issue using the provided speed-dial binary directly, however when calling speed-dial go no redirection will occur on exit of the script.

These sd and s commands should be your sole method for interacting with SpeedDial. SpeedDial's init command sources a bash script from the package making a few commands to interact with SpeedDial available.
Fortivoice speeddial install#
Fortivoice speeddial mac#
SpeedDial has so far only been tested on Mac OS. Node 0.6+ or greater is required to run SpeedDial.

SpeedDial is a CLI bookmarking & shortcuts utility, allowing you to alias and index directory paths within 'entry groups', manage directory 'listings' (SpeedDial will list out the children of a 'listing' and ask which you'd like to make your new current working directory), and swap your current working directory quickly by targeting entries or listings.